пятница, 27 декабря 2019 г.


Aug 19, Sherwood Smith added it Shelves: You mean that a vampire super strength and all that gets rescued by a mere teenage girl?! And yep, it's and I'm still bitter over that mothertrucking ending. Although it seems he's sweet at first, he changes a little and shows his true colors no matter how worn out they may be. And Kerry's about to have the adventure of a lifetime. The motivations here are realistic. companions of the night by vivian vande velde

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For example, in some books, vampires burn up and die at the first hint of sunlight, but in other stories they're OK for short periods if they cover up and wear sunglasses, and sometimes they're fine in sunlight except that they don't have any of their special powers during the day, and I read one story where vampires themselves started the rumor that they couldn't stand the sun so that they could always prove they weren't vampires by being able to survive sunlight.

It's a take on vampires that I found rather refreshing. On her arrival she finds three men have beaten and tied up another man and are holding him hostage. It's a perfect little snippet of a story. Why they are trying to viviqn Ethan and Kerri has fallen in love with Ethan. This is the one you should be reading.

Companions of the Night

Towards the middle, the story lost steam in figuring out what happened to the girl's family. View all 6 comments. You've known each other for several days and during that time, he kidnapped you, agreed not to kill you wow, very generousand has told you literally ZERO about his life. Jan 06, Andrienne rated it really liked it. These are the circumstances Now this is what I mean by a vampire novel.

That fact alone made the love story much more difficult to create. I wasn't overwhelmed by these characters—they are certainly serviceable, but I didn't completely connect with them. The vampire isn't watered down and there's definitely a sense of danger throughout the book. Well, try to, anyway. Because she's convenient, not because she's particularly sexy or a special snowflake. Two very different characters meet, then have to work together for one crazy night.

Vivian Vande Velde

Mostly, I was waiting for romance. My biggest complaint about the romance was that there wasn't more of it. This book is almost all about the vampire--his selfishness was what made this book compelling and appalling at the same time. They are vile cruel disgusting creatures that belong in your nightmares not your sexual fantasies.

companions of the night by vivian vande velde

I read it in about a day and really enjoyed it. Which is fine by vwlde. There was also a nice thread of feminism running through her works.

This is one of those books that tries to skate by on mediocrity because it's written for teenagers. Companions of the Night has a Facebook fan page! Jun 25, Kiki Lemke rated it gelde not like it. He kills people to feed on their blood. She's resourceful and brave, and she doesn't put up with vampires mocking her dad's old car.

companions of the night by vivian vande velde

More than half her dialogue in the book was just questions, questions, and more questions- vanve it was starting to get redundant. View all 4 comments. Maybe it was just me. In fact, this might be what I enjoyed the most about the story; at no point could I tell who was telling the truth to the lf, human or vampire. And then it all comes down to what choices Kerry will make in the end. One of the few really excellent vampire novels out there.

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