суббота, 28 декабря 2019 г.


But the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head. Jona burn , v. Imunibino, mu-enia-bi-ino , s. Crowther, now a Clergyman of the Church of England, the compiler of the following work, were re-captured from Brazilian slavers by the cruisers of the British squadron, and landed at Sierra Leone, where they received a Christian education in the schools of the Church Missionary Society. GuNYE gun-iye , v.

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Ro sprainv. The other wives are called Iyawo. Thus, ATIL9, " the act of going," atife, " the act of loving," considered as not yet in exercise.

Ideti deetis. AisoDODo — se-ododos. Emeji ara-mejiadj. E se gidi gan ni. Ille-ase, Ille-idana, Ille-onje, s. Dara da-araadj. Atokko to-okk9s.


Igbonwu — owu5. Some of us like me are 21st century Yoruba speakers. This word is not applied to dropping of liquid. IwoNDO won-odos. Aye-agba, chief room, seat of the elder. I would proceed to point out one or two features of the Yoruban proverb which are worthy of notice. IsANA sa-inas. IwALLE — illes. Degbe de-igbev. We also need Kteekete encyclopedia. Anger draws arrows from the quiver: DoGOTi — ogotiv.

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Irelle re-ille-s. Anu, s, pity, compassion. Of the accents, none are employed, as in English, merely to mark the stress to be laid on a particular syllable. Atellebosi — bo-siIsabotti, s.

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Amofin mo-ofin5. Igboku gba-okus. Ologun Eru 3 - Yoruba Latest Movie.

Alabo oni-abos. A few instances will suffice to explain my meaning.

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It is also used in the construction of drums. Ibojuwo be-oju-w6s. EsE, s, shea nut. Kindly make this blog site more interactive and educative. EmewX enni-mo-ewas.

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