среда, 8 января 2020 г.


Das ist ein tolles Abkommen, das Sie uns heute vorgelegt haben. I am therefore very proud to have supported CETA today. I welcome, Commissioner, your suggestion on broad consultation on how to embed sustainable development in a legally binding way in the Treaties. The problem is that the person who went out and negotiated this agreement has said that she does not take her mandate from the people. I am also glad that, later this afternoon, we are going to have the opportunity to discuss in more depth the crucial issues of information exchange and interoperability. I am happy to say that this piece of legislation shows that the EU is able to act in a swift and united manner. bili kume kumovao

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La amenaza es evidente. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab. Here today we have a policy that says we want to try and reduce emissions and bring low-carbon investments to Europe, but the law of unintended consequences is very clear, in a very small rule that you heard about in this Chamber today from Members from Poland to Ireland to Greece and now the Bjli Kingdom: It is an infringement of the civil liberties of EU citizens and residents.

We should be reinforcing our borders. CETA protects public services, no forced privatisation, no ratchet clause. Finally, and this was also one of the priorities of Parliament, we wanted equal treatment of land, air and sea borders, and we did not get it.

Roberta Metsola PPEblue-card answer. Es gibt auch keinen Unterschied zwischen rechten alternativen Fakten von Donald Trump und linken alternativen Fakten von kuumovao Linkspartei und anderen.

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No, bolje ikad nego nikad! It is good for jobs, our ability to sell services to Canada, and to break into provincial government in Canada.

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CETA is not perfect, far from it, but it is an important step in the right direction: The two agreements that we are discussing here today — the free trade agreement CETA and the Strategic Partnership Agreement — together offer an opportunity to upgrade our EU—Canada relationship.

Let me turn to some of the key instruments and give you a brief update on where we stand in terms of their implementation and their use. I believe quick deals are bad deals for the people.

Wij strijden voor hun vrijheid. Proteggete il diritto al profitto, istituite un diritto ineguale che protegge le multinazionali, protegge il profitto, gli investimenti e le multinazionali kumobao delle persone. Please enter five or bkli numbers for the postcode. Also, some time ago, Pope Francis spoke to the European Parliament of his impression of a wary and ageing Europe, reminding us of a grandmother, hesitant and defensive, but now also believing in political horror stories.

As regards CETA, it has two very important aspects for us included in this deal.

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That is the only way we can do it, and actually investing in our own border-force people and across that. Meanwhile, the IRA terrorist suspects have been getting letters of comfort and others have received royal pardons. It will open bidders for a public procurement on EU businesses, and it will also protect our environmental and social standards.

Now, to the detail, and this is particularly important: Today that means providing for a fair, modern, 21st century trade agreement with a like—minded partner.

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Bil home what we can do — and I suggest you do it in your own states as well — is to increase the recruitment of the police force, the armed services, prison officers; border control is essential, as are our intelligence services. Wij zijn verkozen door de miljoenen mensen die ons vragen hun belangen te verdedigen. Warum tun wir das? La lucha sigue y no nos rendiremos.

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In times of growing protectionism, the EU must not underestimate the benefits of trade agreements like this, especially when we are negotiating with reliable and strategic partners such as Canada who are, and remain, our allies. Ook de nationale parlementen komen nog aan bod.

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Read more about the condition. Dat is uiteraard in het belang van alle Europeanen. Twee, de regelgevende samenwerking, die weliswaar vrijwillig is, is niet beperkt tot welbepaalde sectoren waar de EU en Canada een gelijk beschermingsniveau hebben.

Ich bitte wirklich, den Text genau durchzulesen. Jele - Pojacaj zene i pice I believe that we will kumd today correctly to the benefit of the European Union.

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