среда, 1 января 2020 г.


My eyes are killing me. Can I have more..? Future Random Days Leave a Comment. Malaysia , Singapore , Soccer , Work. Reached home at around 1pm. sesuatu yang berbeza sofaz

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Hope that it will be a successful application and that it will run smoothly as prayed. Rested for a while cos I miss my baby Manja … Manja. AcademyBangiMalaysiaMaybankNetball.

Fahmie_ asma ul husna

Author Viella Yondar is just a name I came up swsuatu amidst all things. Gone out with Mum to get some baking stuff at Hougang, Singapore.

Great Singaporean talents we have over in Malaysia! By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. So anyway, here are the photos, which I guess you must have been waiting for.!

sesuatu yang berbeza sofaz

Bring me down to tears when engulfing myself in that song. Future Random Days Leave a Comment. Thanks to socaz elder brother we submitted the application by hrs! He is there with a friend of his and enjoying his 10 days there.

sesuatu yang berbeza sofaz

BangiHomeLoveMalaysia. Hoping for the best come 23rd November. Can you see the many tables at dinner? As I had earlier applied for notification alerts from the Housing Development Board, Singapore HDBI have always been on a lookout for any available sales launches there is. This is where Love and I plan to live in when the time comes.

MalaysiaSingaporeSoccerWork. It was a great match that I only got to watch the last few minutes before it ends. And by the time, I called Mum, it was already hrs, chatted with her about the house that we initially thought not to submit an application.

.....Welcome TO My CLub.........

Now it is only time to wait for my second letter to arrive. I hope everything I pray, wish and hope for will come with ease for both Love and berbdza. This morning was better. Viella Yondar is just a name I came up with amidst all things.

It's SimpLy Me: BerAkhirnyer Sudah Ceritera Cinta Seth Tan & Nora Elena:)

My eyes are killing me. The reason I feel hyperly excited today is because my first letter just arrive today!

sesuatu yang berbeza sofaz

I seriously need to check myself in the mirror first before taking photographs from now on, berbezq perhaps do some workout. Will be heading back to office like tomorrow! The moment I have been waiting for begins now. Am hoping to receive it like either tomorrow or latest by Monday.

Oh well, singing is a pastime somehow, and yes, it definitely has gotten me into the mood all day long. The Engineer at work! Nevermind la … So long he comes back safe and sound. Decision Making… Liverpool in Kuala Lumpur! Nike Jersey for Love!

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